Natural Sink Filter (NSF)

Nombre de tu organización:
Instituto Monteverde
¿En qué categoría participas? Por favor marca solo una.
Category 2: Sanitation
Dirección de la organización: País
Costa Rica
Nombre de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
Natural Sink Filter (NSF)
Descripción de la solución que ofrece tu organización:
Mini-artificial wetlands, or NSF , are an innovative solution to treat gray water discharge (contaminant, bacterial, & viral) from newly installed hand-washing sinks for COVID-19 prevention.
Descripción del problema (en 550 caracteres o menos):
Hand washing protocols, enacted to combat COVID19 transmission, have greatly increased gray water discharge with the rapid installation of public sinks that lack the treatment of their polluted water. This contamination may contain high levels of phosphorus, bacteria, virus, and other contaminants that are detrimental to the environment and human health. Inexpensive and attractive NSF can naturally treat this water for safe disposal. Studies have shown viral inactivation, and another contaminant removal, using mini-wetland systems.
Descripción de la innovación de la solución (hasta 550 caracteres):
NSF clean contaminated water in a non-chemical, high-tech manner by replicating a natural system that has been effective for thousands of years. The small scale and direct application at outdoor sinks is the novel component. NSF reduce the contagion potential of COVID-19 by treating contaminated water in situ with the technology of constructed wetlands, which will also. beautify the landscape by using native ornamental plants. The low cost of implementation and maintenance allows the replicability of Natural sink filter regardless of scale.
Usuarios de la Solución:
Rural Population,Urban Population,National Public Sector
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