First 72 hours Crowfunding Platform

Based on the success of crowdfunding platforms we can confirm the power behind this tool. People around the world have connected, engaged and funded millions of projects asking for almost anything.
The problem is that traditional crowdfunding platforms would not accept projects for disaster relief in a timely manner to generate an impact within the first 72 hours. Our platform will have pre-screened local partners who can accept and receive funding with predefined ideas and projects to fund in the benefits.
Also people can suggest and/or create new projects that will benefit preregistered and approved beneficiary to assure reliability. These predefined projects that get active for a specific disaster can be such as water filters, tent material, physical therapy, prosthetics, fund to continue the education of affected kids, certify locals to be employed for recovery, anything needed. In addition, large donors will be invited to take part of the action for a greater impact.
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First 72 Hours

Soluciones que entreguen una respuesta rápida frente a las necesidades básicas y humanitarias producidas por una emergencia o catástrofe

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