Beyond Trash

Our first proposal is to promote environmental education for the future generations. The plan is to keep making programs to generate awareness inside our community. And in the future we want to go to other institutions to teach about sustainable living and in the process influence other communities to include similar programs. For those reasons, we want to expand as an organization and share positive habits for a world that takes care of their resources.In our second proposal we are focusing on the sustainable usage of materials for donations in community and service campaigns. We plan to do this by creating school supplies from recycled materials and donating them to communities that need them. In order to do it we need more members, contact for material recollection, and delivery. With this proposal we help people in need, provide resources to study, and we recycle, everyone wins!
¿Cómo nació el proyecto o idea? ¿Cuál fue la inspiración?
We started as 2 groups of Global Issues Network, both focused on the problem of Education for All and Climate Change with similar ideas on how to help our school community. By going through the program became more aware of the many potential materials that end up in the trash or tossed in the streets around us. GIN helped us identify concepts like reusing what we have around us & teaching others in creative ways. We created this organization with the goal to inform and take action.
Mencionar alguna acción concreta que han realizado en su proyecto o que planeen realizar (En caso de no haber concretado alguna)
Beach CleanUp Chorrillos with parents & students.
ODS principal relacionado con el proyecto o idea
13. Climate Actiona
Galería de imagenes

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