is a platform which allows people to organise carpools between cities, abroad and to work. Using the platform people can share their rides with other people travelling in the same direction and that way reducing travelling costs which increases people`s consumption power and increases their mobility.
Carpooling also results in lower carbon footprint and traffic congestion.
Categoría de tu proyecto
Consumo/Producción colaborativa
Cómo se diferencia tu producto o servicio de lo existente en el mercado?
We are one of the few platforms which allows people to organise carpools to work. In the city of Sofia, where traffic congestion is a problem this service has proven as the highest growing segment of our platform. We also invested a lot of time and effort in order to create a platform with superior to our competitors` user interface.
Describe el impacto social que genera tu solución
We are witnessing great transportation advancements all over the world and still traffic congestion continues to be at alarming rates. We at see all those cars on the streets as an enormous resource which is being used inefficiently as 75% of the cars are being used by a single person. Using our platform people can offer empty seats in their cars to other travelling in the same direction thus sharing the travel expenses, limiting air pollution and traffic, and making new friends. Research shows that when actively promoted carpooling in the city can lower traffic in the rush hours by up to 25%.
Descripción breve de la sustentabilidad económica de tu proyecto
We are going to make money by introducing an online payment service between drivers and passengers on the platform from which we are going to take percentage fee. We are going to offer customised carpooling solution to big companies so their employees can carpool to work. We intent to create an event section on our platform where people can organise carpool to concerts and festivals and charge for event advertisement.
¿Cómo es la escala de tu proyecto?¿Zonal, regional, nacional o globlal? ¿Por qué?
We believe the scalability of our project is global. Cars are the biggest polluters responsible for the greenhouse effect and statistics shows that the number of cars will increase by 50% in the next 20 years from the 2010 number which will further worsen the traffic congestion problem on a global scale. Web platform and mobile apps can help people use their cars more efficiently lowering their carbon footprint, lowering their travel expenses and increasing their mobility.
¿En qué etapa se encuentra tu proyecto?
¿Tu emprendimiento se encuentra constituído en algún país?¿Cuál?
We are not incorporated yet. At the moment to the service is free as we are generating critical mass.
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