Brooding insects to manage waste

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Categoría 3: Residuos sólidos
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Eggologic are BSF eggs that can be used to manage organic solid waste. After the treatment process, the customer obtains nutrient-rich larvae that can be used for animal feeding and fertilizer.
Descripción del problema (en 550 caracteres o menos):
Farmers and companies working on food production generate more organic waste than they can process. The most common fate of this waste is to be burned or landfilled, losing the resources embedded. Soy and fish meal, the most common animal feed, are expensive. They can represent up to 70-90% of the food production costs. Meal production may be land intensive and threaten biodiversity in oceans and forests.Our solution aims at recovering nutrients available in waste through Black Soldier fly eggs to obtain low-cost protein meal and fertilizer.
Descripción de la innovación de la solución (hasta 550 caracteres):
Insect farming is a novel approach in Latin America, considered the future of food by FAO. It requires a relatively small space (100 kg/m2) and short time (20 d) to treat waste. It contributes to advance towards a circular economy by allowing nutrients recovery as fertilizer (30kg/100kg) and as protein meal (10kg/100kg). The protein meal would have a lower cost than alternatives in the market. The production protocols and consultancy offered make the solution easy to replicate. When the amount requires to scale up, the process can be automated.
Usuarios de la Solución:
Agricultores y Pescadores,Corporaciones,Población Rural
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